Amy Gephart In season 2, episode 7, Unholy Trinity is the love story of Amanda Weldon and Tonch Weldon. This does not end well for Amy Gephart . as they end up dead at the hands of Tonch Weldon, in the state of Iowa . The show is described as: A seemingly average farming couple's kinky behavior behind closed doors leads them into a deadly love triangle. Weldon and Amanda were married in October of 1996,and had two children, ages ten and twelve at the time of these events. They had an open marriage,allowing them to have other sexual partners and sometimes shared apartner together in a threesome. In February of 2009, they approached Amy Gephart in a bar and initiated a sexual encounter, and soon Amy moved in with the couple and began sleeping in the marital bed. Amy and Amanda grew closer in the following months and began excluding Weldon from the relationship sexually and emotionally.On June 7, 2009,Weldon was in an outbuil